Monday, March 23, 2009

Evolution of Technology

Who knows where this will lead. The following video provides an interesting view of the world.

Subprime Explained

An excellent video on the subprime crisis and what it means to the average person.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

Liars Poker and Other Lessons

Michael Lewis was a trader on Wall Street made his bundle and wrote a cautionary tale of greed on Wall Street.

Here is the problem, ambitious young bankers took his book as crib notes for a career that would make them rich.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Social Media | Getting It

Social media has been hyped as the new way to attract clients. Getting social media is another issue all together. I have subscribed to Twitter, Facebook and write a couple of blogs. I must admit that I didn’t get it and I got no where.

Recently, my view has changed.

How did this start out? Sharma Hyder has written an Ebook on Social Media. The tip about the book came from Dave Kaminski. I found it was worth the $42 because of the time it saved by providing an excellent overview of social media. What social media is and isn’t. The book re-energized my effort to spend more time with social media.

What was the result? I am seeing traffic to my sites through my efforts through social media.

A more practical example follows. Today, I received a tip from a business women who is following my Twitter posts. She advised me that my blog posts could be posted directly to Twitter through Twitter Feed.

Here is the lesson, without this kindly advice from Lori O'Connell I would be spending time Twittering my blog posts and wasting time.

Would I have been able to source this information on my own? Maybe...maybe not.

The impressive aspect of this information sharing is these people came to me through social media contacts. My relationship with these individuals has allowed me to build traffic and connections.

Let me explain.

Dave Kaminski is an ex-marine, web videographer who directed me to Sharma Hyder's ebook which stimulated me to look at social media as a way of attracting clients. I reactivated my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Lori O'Connell is a 3rd degree black belt in Jujitsu,and a professional MMA fighter.. She is truly five feet of fury. Lori is also my daughters instructor. Do we discuss Social Media and SEO at the club? No way, not in this life time.

Learning how to set up a Twitter Feed may not change my world or my business. Yet here I am leveraging the tips and wisdom from 3 different individuals for the benefit of my business.

That's power. Power that can change your business and your life.


Why This Blog?

Remember the nineties, lots of layoffs and the chorus sang time to start your own business. Time to make some money.

The practice of a small business requires the necessity of acquiring skills, doing a multitude of tasks (some you are uncomfortable with), feeling like a money whore (when you do business to pay the rent) and recognizing your own courage as you step through the minefield of self employment.

The purpose of this blog is too provide a written narrative of my process of securing business inorder to pay the rent. I will detail my successes and failures with the hope I can pass along my learning to another business person.

I hope I will be able to provide perspective, ideas or insight to other small business persons as they manage and grown their businesses.

I have experience. I am seasoned in the areas of sales and marketing. I am not a gunho guy. I tend to be too analytical and too cynical for my own good. Am I infallible, no. I suspect some people will be critical of my efforts.

What wisdom will I impart...time will tell.